Afganistan ın dili

How many languages are spoken in Afghanistan?

There are between 40 and 59 languages spoken in Afghanistan. Dari and Pashto are the official and most widely spoken languages, by 77% and 48% of the population respectively. Dari, or Farsi, is the official name of the variety of Persian spoken in the country, and is widely used as a lingua franca.

What 3 languages are spoken in Afghanistan?

The main languages are Dari (Afghan Persian) and Pashto (an eastern Iranian language). Dari and Pashto are Indo-European languages related to most languages spoken in Europe, including Swedish. Dari and Pashtu, written with Arabic letters, are Afghanistan's official languages.

Does Afghanistan speak Arabic?

Dari is the official name of the variety of Persian language spoken in Afghanistan….

Languages of Afghanistan
OfficialDari Persian, Pashto
RegionalUzbek, Turkmen, Balochi, Pashayi, Hazaragi, Nuristani
MinorityArabic, Urdu, English, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Sindhi
SignedAfghan Sign Language

What language do Afghan refugees speak?

Nearly 50 percent of Afghan residents can speak Pashto, compared to the 78 percent that use Dari. Over half of them speak the language at a native level, while the rest speak it as a second language.

What language is most used in Afghanistan?

Pashto Dari Afghanistan/Official languages The people of Afghanistan form a complex mosaic of ethnic and linguistic groups. Pashto and Persian (Dari), both Indo-European languages, are the official languages of the country. More than two-fifths of the population speak Pashto, the language of the Pashtuns, while about half speak some dialect of Persian.

Is Dari similar to Arabic?

Dari, Farsi, and Pashto are all Aryan (Iranian) languages belonging to the Indo-European language family. … Dari, Farsi, and Pashto both use the Arabic Alphabet, but they are completely different from the Arabic language.

What language does Taliban use?

Pashtu language The Taliban are using only Pashtu language in their official communications. According to the Constitution of Afghanistan, Dari and Pashtu are the two official languages among other languages in the country.